Monday, August 16, 2010

A Change... in MY plans....

Here I sit, once again at the computer to collect these thoughts.... Time has slipped by and with it, brought huge changes once again in my little world....

Shortly after my last post I got sick... with pneumonia... and after finally getting rid of the pneumonia (3 rounds of antibiotics later), I discovered that I have allergies.... to coral dust - have got to be kidding...

I have always been so thankful for my health and lack of health issues so felt completely blindsided when we couldn't figure out why I never really felt better after the pneumonia... Always had congestion, sinus headaches etc... And, I admit it... I am GRUMPY when I don't feel good. So on top of life that was already challenging, I was sick and battling grumpy feelings all the time. This went on... and on...and on... for 3 months.

Finally my beloved, being the incredible man he is, suggested the very thing that I had been longing for, but was NOT going to suggest.... Getting the heck out of Sodom. The only catch - our tyke and I would have to go alone....

I was sooooo torn. How could I leave this incredible gift that God had given - yet, how could I keep going in the condition I was in? I was excited at the thought of going "home" to my little house that love built, but crushed to think of lying in the little house night after night alone....

Things happened in rapid succession: It became perfectly clear that God's plan was for me to come "home" and restart my daycare and so that is where I sit today... In the house that love built, but without the one that I love more than anything.

What is the plan? His plan?
I guess I will have to hang on during this crazy ride to find out!
Will continue to do so and reflect as I go.....

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