Friday, November 12, 2010

My Voice...

It has been a while since the last post... life has been crazy...
I could not however keep silent today....

Normally my lawyer hubby is the one with a very strong opinion about companies he will/will not support.  I just see something I need/want and buy it with very little thought to the far reaching consequences my actions may have.

That all has been changing over the past few days as I have watched the firestorm that is #amazonfail.

I am an Amazon Kindle owner - my sweet hubby bought it for my birthday so I have had it for only a couple months, but already there are over 45 titles on it and I use it everyday.....  So when I found out that Amazon was selling a how-to guide re pedophilia I had mixed feelings.  I am an educator of children and will NEVER stand by while any harm could come to a precious little one, however I LOVE my kindle....  I was faced with a moral dilemma.  I called Amazon, and voiced my complaint and was happy to see the book taken off the site, but was nagged by the thought of it being enough.  Was my voice REALLY heard?

After much soul-searching and watching the apparent apathy from Amazon regarding this whole issue, I had to conclude that my voice was not really heard - that the only way to get Amazon to listen was with my bigger voice - the almighty dollar.  Do I relish the thought of deleting my account with Amazon - no!  But for me it is a MUST do in order to take a stand for the safety of children everywhere, for the safety of my own little guy!

My Voice...... will be heard!