Monday, October 4, 2010

Never forget the gift...

I must say, my hubby is truly a gift...
He drove over 8 hours in the middle of the night last Thursday to get home after a VERY long work week, then got up, still dead tired and surprised our son with lunch at school.  We had an incredible weekend together before he had to leave again this am...

I know I have been guilty...... of taking blessings for granted....  maybe this is the Father's plan in keeping us apart this first year of our married life.  That I would learn this vital lesson. 

I know what it is like to mourn for secret glances between spouses at school events, to see couples snuggled close during church as I sit alone.  I also know the greatest joy in the brief moments my hubby and I get to share. 

I pray that when the time comes and our family can finally live together under one roof, I will never lose sight of the blessing - to never allow a toothpaste tube to be something worth an argument, not look at the "honey do" list with frustration, to not take precious moments for granted...

But instead, to remember these long, lonely hours yearning for him to be home to brush his teeth, for him to be home lying on the couch instead of tackling household projects, to share a smile across the room...

May I never forget...

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